Our story

Weird to be alive

Life is like a vast cinema where our perceptions both frame and illuminate our personal stories. The notion that "The human experience is peculiar. Our eyes function as cameras, documenting...

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Widow's Summer

In "Widow's Summer," an art editorial of profound depth, viewers are presented with a narrative that explores the duality of internal depression and an outward display of prestige. This visual...

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On my way to hell

"On my way to hell," a striking exploration of spiritual and cultural dichotomy is presented, not through the literal depiction of hell, but as a metaphorical journey through the eyes...

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Our studio

As a designer entrenched in the provocative and the unconventional, my studio is not just a workspace; it's a sanctum where the unconventional is the norm, and rebellion is the...

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A Story of Childhood Revolution: How MASH Was Created

Welcome to the inaugural post of our brand new blog at Mash, where fashion meets fierce individuality and heartfelt passion.You've stumbled upon the very first ramble on the Mash blog,...

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